srijeda, 26. svibnja 2010.

Vrijeme je da se otkriju ljudi koji šire mržnju prema osobama drugačije seksualne orijentacije ili identiteta- oni zaslužuju javnu sramotu jer pozivanje na nasilje i odvratni, zadrtni komentari nemaju što raditi na Facebooku (kao ni bilo gdje drugdje, zapravo). Umjesto da ih bude sram, ti se ljudi svojim malogrđanskim stavovima još i hvale, osnivaju grupe kojima žele zaustaviti LGBTIQ zajednicu koja se godinama neustrašivo bori za prava koja su joj uskraćena.

Takve osobe i grupe trebaju stoga biti navedene punim imenom i prezimenom, kako bismo ih mogle prijaviti i pokazati im da njihovi homofobični stavovi i poruke mržnje nisu dobrodošli- baš naprotiv, pokažimo im da ih se ne bojimo i da ćemo raditi na tome da ih se zauvijek makne iz društvenog života.

Tužno je što oni ne mogu prihvatiti različitosti jer se boje odstupanja od sigurnosti naučenog, istog, homofobično-mrzilačkog.


Budite ponosni svaki dan, Pride je način života, ali ne samo jednom godišnje na ulicama.



The pillar of shame- list of homophobes in Croatia

It’s time to reveal those who spread hate towards people of different sexual orientations or identities- they deserve to be publicly humiliated because there should be no place for calls for violence and disgusting, bigoted comments on Facebook (or anywhere else, for that matter).
Instead of shame, those people actually feel proud about their bigoted points of view and keep making groups in order to stop the LGBTIQ community who has been fearlessly fighting for the rights that were denied to them for years.

Those people therefore have to be revealed with their full names and surnames, so that we could report and show them that their homophobic attitudes and hate messages aren’t welocome- on the contrary, let’s show them that we’re not afraid and that we’ll keep on trying to move them out of the social life forever.

It’s sad that they can’t face diversities and differences because they’re afraid of leaving the safety of learned behaviors- homophobia and hate..


Be proud every day, because it’s a lifestyle, not just that one day a year on the streets.

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